STEPS Young Engineers Award The STEPS Young Engineers Award competition encourages 3rd and 4th class pupils and their teachers to explore the world of engineering by developing an engineering project that would help improve their local community.
Last year a group of pupils from 3rd and 4th class the "Clooney Crackers" were crowned overall winners for 2023 with their project "Ash Antibiotic". The boys and girls created a prototype robot designed specifically to identify and combat the Ash dieback disease. Developed with the dual purpose of preserving local wildlife in Clare and supporting hurling manufacturing in the county, this innovative project showcases the students’ commitment to their community. The students ingeniously constructed a spherical robot using materials like cardboard and paper mâché, equipping it with a functional motor. Through this impressive creation, they demonstrated the immense potential of their invention—a robot capable of traversing to infected trees and administering liquid medicine to aid in curing the disease. Well done! Watch this space for updates on our journey with the STEPS Young Engineers Award this year!